Two stickers are switched. How do I correct the MV-431/MV-480?
Return the two inspections to Held status, then Finish them in the reverse order.
For example, the sticker ending in 1 is affixed to vehicle A, and sticker 2 to vehicle B. In MVIRS, sticker 1 was assigned to the vehicle B inspection, and sticker 2 to the vehicle A inspection. To avoid wasting the price of two stickers, we’ll simply reverse the stickers in MVIRS.
- In History, right-click on sticker 1 and choose “Return to Held Status”. MVIRS displays the number of inspections that will be affected and asks if you want to proceed. Click Yes to continue.
- In Work In Progress (W.I.P.), right-click on inspection A and choose Finish Inspection, or double-click inspection A.
- When the inspection opens, click the Finish button. If prompted to change the date, choose No. Sticker 1 is now allocated to inspection A.
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 for inspection B. Sticker 2 is now allocated to inspection B.
How do I void a sticker?
- In History, right-click the inspection containing the sticker to be voided and choose Void Sticker. Click Yes to confirm that you want to void the sticker because it has been damaged and cannot be reused.
- The inspection is displayed with a Void button at the bottom. Click Void, then reconfirm that you wish to void the sticker.
- MVIRS marks the sticker voided. Choose Yes to the next prompt if you want to have the next available sticker assigned to the inspection.
Voided stickers are listed in History under the Voided category.
Is MVIRS approved for use by the State of Pennsylvania?
“The MV-431/MV-480 reports generated by MVIRS are acceptable for use. However, the station must maintain the mechanic’s signature for each inspection on any of the following:”
- MV-431/MV-480
- Shop Work Order
- Customer Inspection Report
- Customer Inspection Invoice
- Inspection Check List
Can MVIRS issue inspection reminders for expiring inspections?
The format of e-mailed inspection reminders can be customized to include any message(s) you may wish to add to advertise specials, etc. To use this feature, you should enter customer e-mail addresses whenever possible.
MVIRS can also print mailing labels for alphabetic groups of customers, without regard to inspection due dates. These mailing labels could be used to advertise specials, send holiday greeting cards, etc.
What if my computer crashes and I lose all my inspection data?
For an additional level of protection, copies of database backups can be automatically uploaded to the cloud-based MVIRS Service Center. This option provides a no-hassle approach to maintaining “offsite” backup. When your backup is away from your computer, it can’t be affected by theft, fire, or any other catastrophic event. The MVIRS Service Center maintains all backups taken over the past 14 days, free of charge.
What does VIN Decoding do?
The VIN Decoding technology included in MVIRS uses a database that is automatically updated on a monthly basis. This ensures that you will be able to decode VINs for new model years as soon as they are available.
Can I install MVIRS on more than one computer?
We will assist you with setting up MVIRS on additional computers if you wish. Prior to that, we ask that for each additional computer, you:
- Map a network drive to the ‘MVIRS Database’ folder on the host computer.
- Ensure that you can print to a printer.
For help with the above, contact your network administrator, an outside consultant, or a computer networking company.
Downloading, Setup and Registration
What are the system requirements for MVIRS?
- Microsoft ® Windows 7, Windows 8.x, or Windows 10
- Four Gigabytes (GB) RAM (Recommended)
- One Gigabyte (GB) Free Disk Space
- Minimum 800 x 600 Screen Resolution
- Keyboard and Mouse
- InkJet or LaserJet Printer. (Due to the large variety of printers available we cannot guarantee that every printer will be compatible with MVIRS.)
- High-Speed Internet Connection
- PDF-417 Bar Code Scanner (Recommended)
- One Available USB Port (If Using Bar Code Scanner)
The computer I want to install MVIRS on doesn’t have an Internet connection. How can I install on that computer?
If you cannot connect your computer to the Internet, but still wish to install MVIRS:
Download MVIRS to a computer that has a removable drive (such as a USB memory stick, or “thumb drive”). Insert the removable drive into the computer to be installed and run the setup program. You could also “burn” the downloaded setup program to a CD or DVD.
I’ve downloaded the setup program. Now what do I do?
- Download MVIRS. MVIRS will save the setup program ‘MVIRS_Setup.exe’ in the Downloads folder on your hard drive.
- Run the setup program as follows:
• Right-click the Windows Start button and choose File Explorer.
• Navigate to the Downloads folder.
• Double-click MVIRS_Setup.exe and follow the on-screen prompts to install.
- Run MVIRS by clicking the new red and black “checkmark” icon on your desktop. As a result, MVIRS displays three options:
First-time installation. If you’re installing MVIRS for the first time, choose this option, and accept the default database location.
Installation on a second or subsequent computer. Use this option when you’re installing or re-installing any computer and the MVIRS database already exists. MVIRS will ask you to navigate to and select the database file named ‘mvirs.mdb’. NOTE: If the database is located on a different computer, you must first map a network drive to the location of the database.
Re-installation of the primary MVIRS computer. Choose this option if you’ve lost the hard drive or experienced some other major system failure. MVIRS will restore the database from an existing backup file.
- You’ll need to enter your shop information into the database after ‘First-time installation’. For further information, click Help, Contents, and review the following topics:
• Before Your First Inspection
• Inspection Station Information
• Performing New Inspections
Tip: Click Print in the Help screen for a hard copy that you can follow as you configure a new database and record your first inspection.
Can you help me set up or resolve problems with my network?
What are MVIRS Updates?
MVIRS applies updates automatically in order to keep your system current. Be sure to close it at the end of each day in order to check for updates on a daily basis.
“MVIRS makes PA safety inspection record keeping fast, accurate and fully compliant!”