
Update to version 6.0.27

We decided to include one more change in version 6.0.27: A built-in messaging function allows MVIRS support staff to quickly communicate important information to our customers. Unfortunately, many of our customers were not aware of the feature, and were not getting...

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Getting MVIRS version 6.0.27 ready

We're putting the finishing touches on an update that will include the following: We made a change to the initialization of MVIRS that will cause the program to start 5 seconds faster.There have been a small number of isolated instances of hard drive failure where we...

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Please confirm your current e-mail address

As previously mentioned, we are changing payment processors. Among many other improvements, this change will enable us to e-mail sales receipts for monthly billings. In addition, we will be able to notify you immediately in the event of a problem with a credit card....

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We’re changing payment processors

We are in the process of changing payment processors. We were hoping to be fully converted by February 1st, but we're now shooting for March 1st. After the change, we will only be able to accept credit cards. If you're currently paying monthly via ACH debit or debit...

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We’ve updated our website

At long last, we've brought our website into the 21st century. We will occasionally post information here to let you know what we're doing with MVIRS, and notify you of any announcements we might have regarding MVIRS and our company, Automotive Inspection Systems LLC.

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“MVIRS makes PA safety inspection record keeping fast, accurate and fully compliant!”